

It comes late or early, a deep obsession and idea is based around it. Some gain success before death some gain after and some never at all. Did they achieve success? Do we pride it on being famous or the amount of money one earns. Success isn't a measure nor is it something to live by, you live with purpose and self worth and you treat success as something that comes from the sense of fulfilment. For what its worth a measure of success only kills yo quicker, depletes your bones quicker and drains you thinner. You will see, strive for it by all means don't pride your work over it, don't pride ones self of it as it should not be a measure but more a feeling.
I am not one anymore to paint for success , I paint because I cant stop dreaming about colours and textures, I paint to get rid of the thoughts that keep me awake at night , I paint to show how i see the world in which i stay for a bit. Success to me used to be how many people love my art, or buy it for that matter, but as i sit here i realise this kind of notoriety can come late or not at all. I have people and relations i want to see to the end , i have memories to look back on and forward to , so why i keep a measure of success in my pocket has baffles me tonight. I have let go of wanting fame , i have not lost the need to paint. I paint for people , i don't paint THE people; they already know where they stand in the worlds i paint. I paint the world they know but have never seen , i paint to now, make other people happy. I will give paintings away as a show of my love to that person, i paint for them to connect with them emotionally , i paint for the people i have lost, and i hope they see, and once again filled with life as just like i remembered them time ago. You see the world is beautiful , those who cant see that for whatever reason i show them my paintings.
Success is having the people that love me find joy in what i do for them, for those who aren't around me , one day they will see just how beautiful the world was.


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