How I see when I see

How I see when I see 

-There is not much I want to miss, ive noticed I always find myself looking extra hard at anything and everything. I love it, I can stare at a certain brick or panel and be in amazement. Have you ever took the time to look into a crowd and try and feel the crowds emotion, not individual beings but the whole crowd. Its euphoric , there no other way to describe it.
 Today I was sat, looking, trying to feel something. I stare at the spaces around me seeing them go from the ground up, filling all these spaces. Undefined yet obvious. How can something so tall and built go so heavily overlooked. We walk by them , live with them , live in them yet we pay very little attention. This is our landscape This is what we have created. Yet I stare at these creations and feel as empty as the people leaving them for work. Hallowed out. Do they look at me as I gaze. 
You wake , you ready and you leave. I have always seen this life as rather simplistic, and i can never fully understand the need i have to be apart of such a routine, yet , without one i feel lost and when I'm in one i fell confused. Have you ever looked at a pile of wires and wondered when did you even acquire the wires, that's how routine feels for me. 
Today i sat down in the same spot outside Piccadilly gardens and saw a man ;of African descent, unload what seemed to be an orchestra of different drums; when in fact they looked rather mediocre , and started to play an array of beats. I sat down at the thought that i would get a free concert, but yet i get this heavily unexpected sensory overload, i feel every hit of the snare , I see every chime if the ride and i hear every kick of the bass. There is so much yet so little happening in one place, sounds turn into colours , people turn into sounds and in the meantime im still. Sat ,Placed upon a curb watching this unfold. I will remember that feeling for a while, it was the time i had money, the time i had security, don't get me wrong i have security and the prospect of money, but in that moment something felt real.

-When I look into the landscape i see nothing but eternity, I stare at the beauty it holds , the winter rolls in , it was never kind to my eyes


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