Human Nature

 Human Nature

A collision took place on a orbit due to a gas giant combusting, jarring millions of tones of formations together to create solid foundations. Foundations that ; in most case are uninhabitable , yet in some cases able to hold life, or at least the very basic necessities. Billions of years pass and people still feel unfulfilled , unworthy , unlucky , hard done to , need I carry on. I hear of people wallowing in self pity because they cant make a difference , I see millennials thrive to make an impact. Yet we fail to realise it was chance that put us here. Chance is what put us here and chance is what will take us out. Thrive over the wrong thing , cry over the smallest doubt, now look , clinically depressed for all the wrong reasons. But is there a right reason. For me , to thrive would be to do what makes you happy. But to thrive doesn't always mean to live , live comfortably or live at all, when did the value of thriving increase so much it forces us into jobs we don't want to do but do to feed the richer, while taking from the poorer. Why , when i want a coffee am i treated like everything i choose is great and fantastic and everything is so enthusiastically done. When did it matter about soya milk. Its all the wrongs things we focus on , its all the wrong things we do for the wrong people and all the good that gets taken away from us. 

Its dependent on how one wants to live. Nobody should dictate how you choose to live, but don't be fooled as everyone will always try. There a scheme for this , a course for this, there's so much people tell you would be good yet you cant step away from your phone long enough to realise what actually will ensure that for you. This isn't a PSA for our addiction to our phones , buts its a helpful reminder that we should consume ourselves in each other as much as we do with Instagram feeds.  

Human nature is such a delicate concept, the human , not many people can explain why we do things and those who can only give you an idea, they cant tell an individual how to feel or when. Human nature is delicate and should be looked after. Human nature learns , laughs , cries. Its only when we do these things that we can really be ourselves in the most pure form. 

The world is changing, it is not as simple as what it use to be, nor is it any easier. New challenges are created on purpose to monetise the struggles that people already have. People telling other to wake up is justified but gets lost in translation as i feel it defines those who aren't "following their dreams", that they are doing something wrong. It isn't an issue of being woke or changing and never work for anyone that isn't yourself, its more the fact you need to be truly grateful for being able to breathe , for being her as it was all chance , and yes things get tangled and when it comes down to it life is never and will never be simple , but if you can firstly have gratitude for living you will find all these other insecurities and problems might be easier to deal with.



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