Me , the window and company

 Me , the window and company

Window. A thin sheet of transparent particles that shut me out from the world. A looking glass of what's actually around me, nothing that changes me view, and in some cases makes my view clearer.  All i can do is look through it. Glass tells no lie, glass can distort , shatter or fade what you see but even then the silhouettes are that still true of reality, meaning glass can never change the actual object but the way you see it. 
I can recall the days id sit alongside my father in the car, starring out the window. From a child to present day all that changed about that arrangement was the height of which i looked out the window. The same feeling, the same views. There's a subtle calmness i feel when looking through the window. Yet as i said reality is never distorted, i always feel apart from it. When looking through the glass i am no longer present in my body but floating, inches above seeing me see the world, feeling me feel the world. It rolls with the axis of the land yet ever so flattened for the most part, it curves and spirals , it quickens and yet again does not distort my view yet my feeling. That feeling of the car slowly increasing raises the heart rate enough for me to be aware of the change, but not enough to draw me from my view through the window. 
Slow rides and even slower nights made music feel euphoric , and with that came visions of how my life played out, all of that enhanced by the unique blankness of the side of a road. Nothing ever has felt more real than a vision you have riding in a car, looking out into the vast landscape, playing your own feature length film. 
For the days music influenced my view ,i felt different, my mood, the conversation at hand. All of this was me , i was there , but im never there; my body is, but my mind is looking out the window. When not looking through glass; we are not sane, we make up worlds of where we want to be, the blind are blind for a reason , they already know what the world is , glass or glasses for that matter can not help them see they have already seen, they understand clarity, they have understood the beauty of sight and now they are no longer in need of it. For those who are now seeing the world, its a chance to accept the beauty thats around you, its a chance to look and understand. For there is so much we see yet so little we understand, along with so much we miss yes so little we care about.


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